$ 10.00
“If you own a retail store, do home party, mailorder sales, or sell merchandise at flea markets, you should be reading and buying from Retailers Forum. Retailers Forum is established for product sourcing among retail merchandisers. Monthly, Forum’s 100+ advertising pages feature merchandise offerings from the country’s leading wholesalers and manufacturers. Perfect items to add to your retail store, mailorder business or party plan selling. Real rock-bottom wholesalers offering prices like: videos…$1.25; sunglasses..$3.00/dz; rings…$0.25/ea.; socks…$4.00/dz and make-up kits..$9.00/dz! The advertisers are professionals and will ship anywhere! Minimums are as low as $50.00 with many of the advertisers. We offer fully free readership at: www.wholesalesources.com where we feature Retailers Forum and also Swap Meet Magazine.